Energy market insights Q4 2023.

Based on the latest research and data, this report provides an overview of key trends and insights shaping the energy industry. It highlights workforce growth, global workforce statistics, skill shortages, Gen Z talent, and more.


Workforce challenges.
Global issues include skill shortages due to an aging workforce, inadequate succession planning, and a lack of incoming skilled/trained workers.


Energy source disruptions.
Extreme climate events—from droughts to hurricanes, heat waves, and wildfires—continued to test regional grid resilience worldwide.


Outdated infrastructure.
Increasing electrification & renewable energy’s market share will require a massive grid expansion & modernization to bring  grids up-to-date.


Environmental attitudes shifting.
Due to increased interest in renewable & alternative energy sources, gas & oil face the challenge of reshaping priorities.


Difficulties in energy transition.
A confluence of economic, geopolitical, trade, policy, & financial factors have exacerbated issues in the energy market & its goal to reduce emissions.

Download the full insights report for an in-depth look at the latest market trends in energy.